The Gro Via Premium Package
Gro Via gets it right. These super diapers.
What you get ($1649):
- 50 SoftBums shells in up to 3 colors (yours to keep).
- 100 SoftBums pods/inserts (yours to keep).
- An extra set of newborn prefolds to make sure you have enough (rental)
- A Do Good Diaper pail (rental).
- 1 Case of compostable wipes.
- 12 weeks of diaper delivery and washing
The SoftBum Premium Package
One of the most versatile products.
What you get ($1649):
- 50 SoftBums shells in up to 3 colors (yours to keep).
- 100 SoftBums pods/inserts (yours to keep).
- An extra set of newborn prefolds to make sure you have enough (rental)
- A Do Good Diaper pail (rental).
- 1 Case of compostable wipes.
- 12 weeks of diaper delivery and washing
Why Choose a Premium Package Service?
- The Softbums covers and inserts are all yours to keep so you’ll have all the diapers and accessories you need now and for any future children.
- The first 3 months of diaper service are FREE. No need to worry about washing or cleaning.
- After the first 3 months your weekly diaper serivce cost is only $14/week.
- Your exact diapers will be returned to you every week.
- Daycares like pocket diapers
- After you are done using your diapers they can be resold to other expecting parents helping you recoup any costs.
How It Works
- Pick the package you want and order 4 weeks prior to baby’s due date (when possible)
- Select up to 3 colors of shells – the covers and inserts are yours to keep.
- Do Good will prep all the items with our accredited washing process to ensure they are ready to use.
- We will deliver the items 7-10 days prior to baby’s due date.
- Call us once baby is here to get into our delivery rotation – we will pick up, deliver and wash your covers and inserts. If needed we will provide extra prefolds for baby’s that are more productive.